Detox your body!
Forget about fasting or popping those all-to-popular colon-cleansing pills! Simply eating the right foods can speed your body's elimination of toxins-lowering your risk of cancer, heart disease and more! Experts advise:
Supercharging your
liver with oranges!
"The liver works like the air and oil filters of a car engine-when it gets clogged with toxins, it makes your whole body sluggish," says Sandra Cabot, M.D., author of The Liver Cleansing Diet. To rejuvenate this organ, enjoy more lemons, limes and oranges, which contain limonene, an oil that neturalizes cancer-causing compounds in the liver.
Making seafood healthier
with this drink!
Tea! Eating seafood two times a week lowers your risk of heart attack, stroke, dementia and arthritis. But most fish and shellfish contain traces of toxic mercury. Solution: drinking green or black tea with seafood dishes, which research shows can prevent up to 92% of mercury from entering your bloodstream!
Keeping your digestive
tract humming with this!
It's psyllium. This flavor-free, texture-free fiber (the active ingredient in Metamucil) dissolves so well in water, you don't even notice it! Yet once in your intestines, it turns into a gel-like powerhouse that latches onto harmful substances and sweeps them out of your body, says nutrition therapist Danielle Chace, M.S., C.N., coauthor of The New Detox Diet.
Safeguarding your
stomach with yogurt!
Brands that contain live strains of the good bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidus boost the colon's ability to keep germs and toxins from grabbing a foothold and multiplying, confirms Kimberly Beauchamp, N.D., a naturopath in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.
Shielding against
lead with milk!
It's brimming with calcium and vitamin D, nutrients that slow bone loss. That's key since lead builds up in bones over time and can be leaked into your blood when bones erode or break.
Created by Sindy Williams
The above information was taken from an article written by Gabrielle Lichterman in Woman's World Magazine August 2009
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