1Ketchup or barbecue sauce splotches?
Sprinkle talcum powder over the area, pressing it gently into the fabric to absorb the grease., Immediately apply a few drops of dishwashing liquid to break down any leftover oil. Launder as usual.
2 Red wine spill?
Prevent the stain from setting by caking it with table salt adn rinsing with cold water. Wash as soon as possible.
3Self-tanner on your clothes?
Use an extra-strength pretreater like OxiClean Max Force (about $5 in drugstores) to break up the pigments in self-tanners and bronzer stains before they set in; wash as soon as possible.
4Got grass stains on your favorite pants?
Attack green smears with a cosmetic sponge or washcloth dipped in rubbing alcohol. Once stains lift, rinse the entire garment in clean water before washing with other clothes.
5Bubble gum goo on clothes?
Rub the spot with an ice cube until the gum hardens, then scrape away leftover its with a butter knife.
The above information was taken from an article written in Woman's World Magazine July 2009
The above information was taken from an article written in Woman's World Magazine July 2009
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