Scientific Evidence That Earthing or Grounding Does Have A Healing Effect On The Human Body
Emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth.
The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness.
Reconnection with the Earth's electrons has been found to promote
intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being.
Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including
better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting,
working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that
transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body.
It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the
Earth's surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of
free or mobile electrons. The surface of the planet is electrically
conductive (except in limited ultradry areas such as deserts), and its
negative potential is maintained (i.e., its electron supply replenished)
by the global atmospheric electrical circuit.
In the late 19th century, a back-to-nature movement in Germany claimed
many health benefits from being barefoot outdoors, even in cold weather.
In the 1920s, White, a medical doctor, investigated the practice of
sleeping grounded after being informed by some individuals that they
could not sleep properly “unless they were on the ground or connected to
the ground in some way,” such as with copper wires attached to
grounded-to-Earth water, gas, or radiator pipes. He reported improved
sleeping using these techniques. However, these ideas never caught on in mainstream society.
Sleep and Chronic Pain
In a
blinded pilot study, Ober recruited 60 subjects (22 males and 28
females) who suffered from self-described sleep disturbances and chronic
muscle and joint pain for at least six months.
Subjects were randomly divided for the month-long study in which both
groups slept on conductive carbon fiber mattress pads provided by Ober.
Half the pads were connected to a dedicated Earth ground outside each
subject's bedroom window, while the other half were “sham” grounded—not
connected to the Earth. The results indicated that the effects of earthing go beyond reduction of pain and improvements in sleep.
- 85% noticed improvement in falling asleep
- 93% had better quality of sleep
- 100% woke feeling rested
- 82% noticed improvement in muscle stiffness & pain
- 74% noticed improvement in chronic back and/or joint pain
- 78% experienced general well being
Sleep, Stress, Pain, and Cortisol
pilot study evaluated diurnal rhythms in cortisol correlated with
changes in sleep, pain, and stress (anxiety, depression, and
irritability), as monitored by subjective reporting.
Twelve subjects with complaints of sleep dysfunction, pain, and stress
were grounded to Earth during sleep in their own beds using a conductive
mattress pad for 8 weeks.
About 30 percent of the general American adult population complain of
sleep disruption, while approximately 10 percent have associated
symptoms of daytime functional impairment consistent with the diagnosis
of insomnia. Insomnia often correlates with major depression,
generalized anxiety, substance abuse, dementia, and a variety of pain
and physical problems. The direct and indirect costs of chronic insomnia
have been estimated at tens of billions of dollars annually in the USA
In view of the burdens of personal discomfort and health care costs,
grounding the body during sleep seems to have much to offer.
Earthing Reduces Electric Fields Induced on the Body
The study showed that when the body is grounded, its electrical potential becomes equalized with the Earth's electrical potential through a transfer of electrons from the Earth to the body. This, in turn, prevents the 60 Hz mode from producing an AC electric potential at the surface of the body and from producing perturbations of the electric charges of the molecules inside the body. The study confirms the “umbrella” effect of earthing the body explained by Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman in his lectures on electromagnetism. Feynman said that when the body potential is the same as the Earth's electric potential (and thus grounded), it becomes an extension of the Earth's gigantic electric system. The Earth's potential thus becomes the “working agent that cancels, reduces, or pushes away electric fields from the body.”
Physiological and Electrophysiological Effects
All grounded subjects presented an abrupt change in rms values of surface electromyograms (SEMGs) from right and left upper trapezius muscles. Earthing decreased blood volume pulse (BVP) in 19 of 22 experimental subjects (statistically significant) and in 8 of 30 controls (not significant). Earthing the human body showed significant effects on electrophysiological properties of the brain and musculature, on the BVP, and on the noise and stability of electrophysiological recordings. Taken together, the changes in EEG, EMG, and BVP suggest reductions in overall stress levels and tensions and a shift in ANS balance upon earthing. The results extend the conclusions of previous studies.
Going barefoot as little as 30 or 40 minutes daily can significantly reduce pain and stress, and the studies summarized here explain why this is the case. Obviously, there is no cost for barefoot grounding. However, the use of conductive systems while sleeping, working, or relaxing indoors offer a more convenient and routine-friendly approach.
For more information & to read the published peer reviewed report in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health
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