Thursday, July 18, 2013


Chromium can work even better than antidepressants to boost mood!
The slimming pill
that prevents heart attacks, diabetes and the blues!

Nine in 10 of us are low on chromium, a little-known mineral that plays a big role in keeping us trim and healthy! The problem? Most soil today is depleted of this mineal, so our bodies absorb very little chromium from the foods grown in it. Fortunately, replenishing it with a daily 400-mcg. supplement is easy, inexpensive and can deliver loads of benefits, including:

1Doubling fat loss when dieting!
Preliminary University of Texas research suggests a chromium supplement a day can help dieters melt twice as much fat - without losing any metabolism-boosting muscle in the process! "Chromium makes the body more sensitive to insulin, so this hormone can shuttle sugar into cells before it damages organs or gets converted into fat", explains Richard Anderson, Ph.D., USDA research scientist. In fact, "chromium is so helpful at controlling blood sugar, it could prevent diabetes in up to half of the at-risk people with higher-than-normal glucose levels!

2Erasing blue moods and depression!
A Duke University study suggests taking chromium can cure one in five cases of full-blown depression, and the folks most likely to benefit are the ones who tend to overeat and crave sleep when they're feeling down. The turnaround can happen in as little as a week - and overall improvements in mood tend to be better than what doctors usually see with antidepressants! Researchers theorize that correcting a chomium deficiency signals the brain to produce more of the "happiness" hormone serotonin.

3Reducing your risk of heart attack 41%!
Folks with ample stores of chromium are up to 41% less likely to ever have a heart attack, European studies suggest. "Chromium helps reduce high blood pressure, so arteries are less likely to become damaged", says Harry G. Preuss, M.D., professor of medicine at Georgetown University Medical Center. Plus, Chinese research suggests boosting chromium levels can lower artery-clogging cholesterol as much as 27 points by helping all tissues - including cholesterol-producing ones in the liver - function more efficiently.

*Important: As always, check with your doctor before taking 
any supplement.



The above information was taken from an article written by Brenda Kearns in Woman's World Magazine July 2009

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